--- Comment #7 from Jim Avera <> ---

The above link points to the ODF 1.3 spec for table:border-model.   In brief,
it says that when Merge is ON ("collapsing"), "each cell receives half the
width of the border", and when Merge is OFF ("separating"), "borders appear
within the cell that specifies the border".

QUESTION: Does LO's implementation conform to this?  I suspect not because:

The 3rd (purple) table in the the attached (updated) demo has Merging NOT
enabled (although it once did).  Nevertheless, every row in that table uses the
same cell style, with

       'fo:border-bottom' => '4.5pt solid #5b277d'
       'fo:border-top' => 'none',

This explains why the top border is missing after a page break: There is no
adjacent cell to cover the empty space.

The ODF spec says that merging should occur only for *adjacent* cells, and
cells are not adjacent when a page break intervenes.   

Doesn't this imply that table:border-model must be handled dynamically (i.e.
during rendering) rather than statically deleting some borders?

Also: If the user switches "Merge" on and off, it should not corrupt the border
definitions set by the user.

And: The current implementation might be shifting the content area incorrectly
by half the border width.  The ODF spec says 1/2 of the border should be in
each cell, and so the content area (the part inside the borders) should be
centered; doesn't setting one border to "none" shift the content area to be
(To be clear I am not an ODF expert; I'm just trying to shed light on the

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