--- Comment #25 from ---
I downloaded the latest nightly and the issue stil presist.
Cannnot import _bz2.

Pandas requires _bz2 and I just worte a extension for Pandas.

My solution is to figure out what version embedded version of of python
LibreOffice that the user has and from that download the correct embedded
python while the extension is installing. At that point I extract _bz2.pyd from
the downloaded embedded version and coping it to a know site-packages folder
making it available to LibreOffice python.

The solution is is a fix to get _bz2 into LibreOffice but not the most

I also just worte an extension adding Sqlite3 back into LibreOffice (Windows)
using the same techniques.

Why do we not just add the full embedded python into LibreOffice or even better
if possibel full python.

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