--- Comment #28 from Peter Lairo <> ---
Read me. It's worth it.


I don't think that this bug is fixed. 

At best, a rare sub-set of the issue was fixed. 

The original intent of this bug was to add the ability to "change the order of
conditions" and "create two or more conditions in conditional formatting".
There's no mention of rearranging only the conditions within the exact same
range of cells. It's clearly about ALL conditions.


Note: Row 1 contains the TITLES of the columns.

Range: A2:H9999 / Condition: $A2<>"" / top & bottom border = pale-blue
--> Nice "table" formatting that "grows" with more data-rows

Range: G2:G9999 / Condition: $G2>200  / background = light-green 
--> Highlights interesting values


LibreOffice (incomprehensibly) forcibly orders the conditions by the letter of
the cell-column in the "Range". Therefore, the condition for Range "A2:H9999"
will ALWAYS be above the condition for the Range "G2:G9999" (A is before G).
*The formatting in a Rule that is below another Rule will ALWAYS override the
formatting in the Rules above it.* There's no way to rearrange these
conditions. In my example above, any cell that receives the light-green
background will lose the top+bottom border. *This cross-contamination of
Conditional Format rules affects all rules that have non-identical but
overlapping Ranges.*

Since it is quite possible that one rule is more important than another, and if
its Range starts in a column with a letter further to the FRONT of the
alphabet, it will unfortunately ALWAYS be overwritten by the less important
Rule whose Range starts in a column with a letter further to the BACK of the


The inability to sort conditions is made even worse by LibreOffice's inability
to set any parts of a Style as "do not touch this sub-part of the formatting"
(e.g. Don't touch Borders - i.e. make the background light-green, but do not
overwrite the pale-blue border. Excel is able to do this, IIRC.


To make LibreOffice's Conditional Formatting not an eternal exercise in
frustration, at least one of the following paths needs to be chosen:

1. Reopen this bug until it is actually fixed (i.e. ability to rearrange
top-level Conditional Formats).

2. Create a new bug or name an existing bug for rearranging the top-level

3. Create a new bug or name an existing bug to make it possible to set any
parts of a Style as "do not touch this part of the formatting".

My vote is for #1 and #3. :-)

I'd be grateful for any pointers those bug numbers.

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