--- Comment #3 from ady <> ---
(In reply to m.a.riosv from comment #2)
> But seems to work if there are parameters on the NatNum
> [NatNum12 D=ordinal]\"D MMM\"
> shows
> "first Dec"
> for a date in the cell 1/12/2023

I'm sorry but I don't understand. What exact literal text is being added to
that number format code?

OTOH, having the following format code seems to show the additional literal
text correctly:

[NatNum12 D=ordinal]"Ending date: "\"D MMM\"

The problem is with things like:
[NatNum12 D=ordinal]"Total: "0

or with:

[NatNum12]"Total: "0.00

IOW, somehow the additional quotation marks are needed (as for text)
Total: "\"0.00\"

but I'm not sure that such code (or a similar one) would end up with the
desired result to be displayed in each variant.

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