
Saturday at FOSDEM I'll give a talk on QA.
  " LibreOffice QA: as handy and joyful as possible  "

Michael Meeks was so friendly to provide some text, while I was with my attention with different work: "Come and hear how the LibreOffice QA team works, get hands on experience with bugzilla, find out where our daily snapshots are, and how to use them, and chat with fellow QA guys. See some feedback on the progress of bug tracking and some pretty graphs."

Below I'll sketch the items I would like to show.
I'll also check our QA wiki for important items.
Is there anything that I miss, please let me know.

Also: are there other QA-ers that are at FOSDEM and would like to join the talk :-)

I think to target for those that are not afraid to use a BugZilla, but will greatly enjoy tips for working handy.


- daily snapshots & installation
- show the page http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/BugReport_Details
- most important do's and don'ts in BugZilla
- learn how to use tag's / save & use queries
- learn how to find/search dups
- bundling issues
- ...
- contact

Ideas, things to add?


 - Cor
 - http://nl.libreoffice.org

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