Hi there,

On Tue, 2012-08-14 at 04:57 -0700, bfo wrote:
> >     One thing I'd like to do is make a developers' portal - we can use as a
> > homepage, with easy-to-use boxes to lookup bug numbers, and interesting
> > reports on the page: that might be rather a good way of advertising the
> > latest problems :-)
> There is one already - Bugzilla. I think devs should be teached how to use
> Bugzilla more.

        :-) Sure - but a developer's daily interaction involves using many bug
trackers - from LibreOffice, to SUSE, RedHat, Deb-bugs, Apache Issues,
etc. having a single page that lets you get to them easily can be nice.

>  It is a monster at first sight, but it can be your best pet
> after a while. Creating multiple resources, like devs portals,
> special wiki pages etc. won't help.

        I agree that wiki pages don't help; but having a convenient developer
default-page that makes it easy to get to the bugs you want - and also
prompts you with the last 5x new regressions, and a competitive
component vs. component bug chart and ... - might do some good. No doubt
it could all be done in a pile of Javascript or something :-)



michael.me...@suse.com  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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