Hi Jochen,

Jochen schrieb:
Hi *,

in bugreport 45588 [1] is discussed following problem concerning writer:
Use of different items for Formatting Marks (in German Localization).

My proposal to solve the problem is
1) Clarify what are the correct terms in English
2) Clarify if terms are in english UI and help of LO entered correctly
3) Clarify what are the correct terms in German
4) Localisation in German

I want to discuss the two first steps on this ML:
1) Clarify what are the correct terms in English
2) Clarify if terms are in english UI and help of LO entered correctly

I propose to use in English always the terms of the Unicode specification, see http://unicode.org/charts

English Wikipedia: Non-breaking space
Unicode: U+00A0
In English also known as: No-break space, non-breakable space, NBSP, hard
space, fixed space
Terms used in English UI and LO Help: non-breaking space, protected space
Proposal for LO, English: None-breaking space

or its common abbreviation NBSP

English Wikipedia: Non-breaking hyphen
Unicode: U+2011
Terms used in Englich UI and LO Help: non-breaking hyphen, non-breaking
dash, protected hyphen, non-breaking (protected) hyphen
Proposal for LO, English: Non-breaking hyphen


English Wikipedia: Soft hyphen
Unicode: U+00AD
Terms used in English UI and Help: optional hyphen, custom hyphen,
definite separator, conditional separator, user-defined delimiter
Proposal for LO, English: Soft hyphen

or its common abbreviation SHY

Translating to German is a different problem, because there exists no normative translation of the Unicode standard. The discussion is old, see https://issues.apache.org/ooo/show_bug.cgi?id=39762

Kind regards

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