Hi Joel --

Am 24.09.12 20:12, schrieb Joel Madero:
I am a bit concerned that our # of bugs from 2011 jumped a lot, I'm not
sure if there's a bug with FDO - before I think we had 11 bugs from
2011, now we have a lot more than that.

For some (but only for some!) of these “new” UNCONFIRMED bugs from 2011, I am responsible. I have already explained this. A few days ago, I wrote to the QA list:

While browsing all NEW bugs for Mac OS X, I have noticed quite some
> bugs which [had] never been confirmed by anybody else besides the
> original reporter. This also means that these issues [had] never been
> reviewed, checked for completeness, duplicates etc., and therefore
> I was determined to do my duty as a careful bug wrangler and to set
> the Status field of these bugs back to UNCONFIRMED. :-(

Let me add that I referred here not to bugs which had already faced some discussion, but only to “virgin” bug reports who had never received any attention by bug wranglers or developers, and which therefore just slept in the database, hidden by the warm blanket of status NEW (and probably, given the huge number of bugs, would have slept there forever!).

Setting their status back to UNCONFIRMED has the advantage that sooner or later some bug wrangler will stumble over these reports and do what is necessary to do, and then (if they are still reproducible and important) will CC the developer(s) about them.

Of course, I will try to re-visit and test these bugs myself, I just can’t do everything at once ;-)

Best regards,


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