Hi Rainer,
hi other bug wranglers,

reading again about the German QA Weekend starting right now, I realized with a little shock that I completely forgot to thank Rainer for the invitation (long ago) and to confirm I can not participate -- not that I would consider the question of my participation as important in any way ;-), but it would have been a question of politeness to answer to the invitation! Sorry! (*)

But now I wish you all a nice weekend in Essen, full of astonishing insights, nice talks, good feeling, and fun! Greetings to all!

Please let me know if there are some results (e.g. about future QA organization, etc.) which affect me.

All the best,


(*) When I first received Rainer's invitation, I had no idea if I could find some free days end of Semptember, and so I did not answer for some weeks; then another obligation materialized right for that weekend, political and inevitable; but at the time this date became fixed, I already forgot that I still needed to answer the QA weekend invitation ...
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