On Sat, 2012-10-13 at 07:20 +0200, Thorsten Behrens wrote:
> Hi there,
> seen this today -
> http://nagappanal.blogspot.de/2012/10/ann-automated-testing-on-mac-atomac-101.html
> Did anyone have experience (positive & negative) with that tool?

I have played with it a little bit, and it looks really neat.
Thoughts arising ...

(1) Since seeing your message yesterday, and starting from zero
    knowledge of python, I have a program which usually starts and
    ends Writer.  I conclude that the initial part of the learning
    curve is acceptably shallow.

(2) While the tool is loaded, switching applications (e.g., moving
    from the tutotial to the terminal window with the python
    interpreter sitting at the input prompt) is noticeably slow.  So
    much for running tests in the background while going on with other

(3) That start-and-end, with nothing in between, takes about 28
    seconds.  My admittedly wimpy machine could do that about 3000
    times a day.  This does not bode well for heavy use of the tool.

(4) The "usually" in point (1) troubles me.  One execution can produce
    14 levels of stack trace leading from my program statement `ldtp
    import *` to message "socket.error: [Errno 111] Connection
    refused".  Subsequent executions do the expected start-and-end.
    My newbie instinct shouts "timing issue".  So, the next part of
    the learning curve will be steeper.

    The function to select a menu option lets you drill through
    multiple levels of menu in one call.  This works when I enter the
    statement at the command prompt of the python interpreter, but
    within the script I must use two separate calls.  Again, I might
    be doing something wrong, but there really is not much room here
    to screw up.

    Our cppunit test have also been known to have timing issues.

Just for specificity, I shall attach my program if it can pass the
spam filters.


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