Hi Thorsten,

Am 04.12.12 13:52, schrieb Thorsten Behrens:
Sorry, we had some build breakages on this platform - if you look at


, red tinderboxes be definition can't produce daily builds.

I know -- but thank you for pointing this out ;-)

Since yesterday, I have taken the @27 box to do a late feature,
sorry for that -

Right now, @27 is green. Does this mean that I can get a new daily build again? Or is @27 doing something else?

> we could surely do with a few more mac boxes going forward.

Definitely true. Maybe we need to change the perspective. It is not me who needs a new daily build; I can think of many other ways to spend my time besides testing LibreOffice ;-) And I have done so in the last days. It is LibreOffice itself, the project, which needs testing, especially now when we are arriving a new release; and for testing ... we need daily builds, sorry.

Best regards,


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