Hi Alex,
> After suffering from the last two mass closure / re-initialisations of
> status of a fair number of bugs I had spent time in opening, but for
> lack of a dedicated developer / interest in those particular areas of LO
> at the time (OSX bugs, Base bugs) they never got any attention, I for
> one, will not be interested in this happening yet again.

All open bugs in Base today: 225
Bugs, which are "Unconfimed": 27
Bugs, which are "Needinfo": 26
I don't think that we need automatically way to get these bugs away.
Problem of many of these bugs: They couldn't be confirmed by everybody,
because there are special configurations with external databases or Mac.
What we need: developers, who will work on bugs in Base. There are many
bugs "New" and opened since the first version of LO.

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