Le 21/01/13 17:55, Lionel Elie Mamane a écrit :

Hi Lionel,

> The MySQL extension just needs to be compiled/linked against
> LibreOffice 4.0; then it should work. No development work needed. Only
> building (for GNU/Linux and MacOS (if necessary): on an OS install as
> old as what the extension wants to be compatible with).

If only it were that simple for the non-developer like myself.
Unfortunately, the build environment regularly gets broken by other
commits during development, and which cause breakage on OSX at least (I
can not speak for Windows as I have no intention of going that way).
Until those breakages get fixed by someone who does give a damn about
extensions on OSX, then no connector gets built. Unfortunate, but true.
I've given up worrying about it now, and am focussing on working with


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