Hi Tommy,

The easiest way would be to send me a email with your Google Account E-Mail (as 
all the strings are in the Google Cloud). If really necessary, this can be 
adapted of course...

Thanks for translating. Will be especially nice, because of the conference in 
Milan :)
Do you also want to translate the help?

Liebe Grüße, / Yours,
Florian Reisinger

Am 27.08.2013 um 14:30 schrieb Tommy <ba...@quipo.it>:

> On Tue, 27 Aug 2013 13:09:42 +0200, Sophie <gautier.sop...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Florian Reisinger has developed a Windows installer which performs a 
>> parallel installation of LibreOffice on Windows without using the command 
>> line. This is really useful for Windows testers or even for those who use 
>> several versions.
>> You can find more information here :
>> http://flosmind.wordpress.com/libreoffice-server-install-gui/
>> There is currently some localizations for the installer : da - es - fr - he 
>> - nl - pt - sl. There is a hundred of strings, some very short.
>> If you're interested to add your language, please send a mail here or on the 
>> qa@ list (in copy of this mail). Thanks!
>> Cheers
>> Sophie
> I can do the italian localization. need info about it.
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