Hello Sophie, *,
On Montag, 18. November 2013 14:00 Sophie wrote:
> Le 13/11/2013 17:55, Thomas Hackert a écrit :
>> On Mittwoch, 13. November 2013 13:56 Sophie wrote:
[preparing MozTrap for 4.2 tests]
>>> If not, I don't want to lose the previous work done by
>>> translators, I'll remove the existing German translations from
>>> the basic test suites and will upload the corresponding files to
>>> owncloud as a repository for this translation.
> So the files are here

Thank you very much :) But just out of interest: How do I get an 
account on our ownCloud instance? Otherwise I have no chance to have 
a look at it ... :( Or could you change it in that way, that one has 
not to enter his login information? Or make it possible to register 

But they went to MARS around 1953!!

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