On Wed, Feb 19, 2014 at 9:43 AM, mariosv <mari...@miguelangel.mobi> wrote:
> In my point of view, link in Moztrap to BZ samples files good for test.
> I think in this way could be easy in the future if one test fails, track
> their bug, reopen it, contact developer who patch it, etc. With a
> minimal expense of disk space, avoiding file duplication. We are green :-)?.
> Maybe better invest the time in make easier report bugs.

I agree that better integration between the tests (MozTrap) and the
bug tracker (Bugzilla) would be very helpful.

Sophie - When we ask a user to test one of their own documents, would
it be possible for us to directly link from the testing page to
Bugzilla/the BSA so that for a failing test, we could capture
information re:
- The user
- The particular failing test
- The document (via upload in the bug report)


This would probably require us to hack on the BSA and fix it so that
variables would be passed-in correctly, but perhaps that would be the
strongest and simplest solution here...

> Thinking around, could be possible use bugzilla, specially when it will
> be in our administration, for have the test in it. It's a knowed
> administration, easy for search, for use as reference from bug reports,
> much more visibility when publish, one place less to administrate. I
> don't know but I think merits for take a think about.

+1 to richer integration!

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