On 06/04/2014 07:45 PM, Jay Philips wrote:
> Hi All,
> I think it might be a good idea to include the following whiteboard
> keywords -
> HasDebug or HasBacktrace & HasStrace - When the bug reporter or
> commenter has included the backtrace or strace output, so devs can
> easily see this list
I like all of these
> ConfirmedCrashHalt or ConfirmedCrash & ConfirmedHalt- similar to
> ConfirmedRegression, this would be used by the QA team to assign that
> they have confirmed the crash or halt of the UI, and we dont have to
> rely on search for random keywords to pull up an already vetted list of
> results
Don't like these as much - a good bug title is sufficient to say crash
IMHO and a triager can edit a title easy.
> WinOnly, LinOnly & MacOnly - MacOnly would be very helpful to me so i
> can filter out the reports that i've confirmed dont happen on windows
> and linux, and priority can be given to these bugs by the QA team who
> have macs as someone already from the QA team has already confirmed its
> existence to be limited to mac, and also because 'Mac OS X (All)'
> doesn't indicate that it wont also happen on other OSes - fdo#79460
I think we should just use the OS field for this. Already we have way
too many whiteboard status'. If we do this then OS field becomes useless
and redundant.
> LanguageSpecific:jp - a means of filtering reports that can only be
> properly tested by an individuals who know a particular language and i
> think it would be useful when we expand the bug submission beyond just
> english. - fdo#77489

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