Sorry to be long-winded.  I am too tired to write shorter.

On Mon, 2014-07-21 at 21:19 -0700, Joel Madero wrote:
> I have closed this bug twice as NOTABUG but the user does not agree so
> requesting second opinion:

That report is "FILESAVE: Keystrokes/characters typed while
AutoRecovery/Autosave happens aren't registered".

When I first saw that behaviour, it impressed me as a bug.  It is
particularly annoying in two circumstances:
(1) Typing without looking at the screen.  Yes, some of us still do
    that, and for good reasons.
(2) Working in a large document on an overtaxed computer.  It is not
    that I create large documents; rather it is useful to make notes
    while working through some else's document.  For example, autosave
    can make me wait over a minute just to type "Yup, that works"
    somewhere in the 587 pages of Andrew Pitonyak's "
    Macros Explained"
    <file:///home/terry/lo_hacking/notes/OOME_3_0.odt>.  As for the
    ODF specification ... it is beyond thinking about.

The suggested workaround of turning off autosave applies, I think, to
everything you do in LibreOffice, not to one document.  So, it is more
drastic than one would wish.

Perhaps a compromise disposition would be to accept the report as a
Request For Enhancement.  But then we get immediately into the
questions: How responsive should the UI be during an autosave?  At
what cost in programming effort?  At what cost in machine usage,
remembering that we want a solution for Win too?  If LibreOffice
merely saves keystrokes for processing after completion of the
autosave, the result could be more confusing than the existing

I wish I had a clear opinion to offer.  I am beginning to remember why
I never got around to filing that RFE <grin />.


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