On Sun, Jan 18, 2015 at 11:09 PM, V Stuart Foote <vstuart.fo...@utsa.edu> wrote:
> Robinson, *,
> So until migration is "underway", our existing credential's have been
> copied--but are not functional.

Right now, Bugzilla is up and running at Freedesktop.org. Until the
migration, do all your work there.

We also have a couple of test servers for internal testing purposes,
but all the bug/user data will be wiped on Saturday during the
migration. (More details on that below)

> At what point can we actually set our password on the tdf instance of
> bugzilla?

People should continue to use Bugzilla at FDO until the migration
starts on Saturday. After the migration is complete, I'll send out
some emails letting people know that it's time to use the new TDF

> Currently the reset is referring the dialog back to fdo--a little
> confusing.

What reset? What URL?

Right now, both bugs.libreoffice.org and bugs.documentfoundation.org
are pointing to FDO. This is intentional, and designed to help
simplify the transition from FDO infra to TDF infra.

There's no reason for anyone to try to reset their password before the
migration, as everyone will still need to reset his/her password after
we migrate.

>  When should we attempt a login?

After the migration is completed on Saturday.

> As is, have not yet been able to login to the tdf BZ instance--assuming that
> is intended.

Until the migration is done this Saturday, there is no official "TDF
Bugzilla" yet.

We do have a couple of test installs of the Bugzilla data, and if
anyone wants to poke at the install (db dump is from ~Jan 2nd), please
feel free to try it out here: https://vm150.documentfoundation.org/

1) Please, Please, PLEASE avoid updating existing bug reports in the
test install, as that will send email to anyone cc'd on the
report...and possibly cause some confusion.
2) Things that are okay to do: Creating new bug reports and editing
them, Querying, Creating graphs, etc..

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask me on email or in


Robinson Tryon
QA Engineer - The Document Foundation
LibreOffice Community Outreach Herald
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