* Present:
    + Robinson, David, Michael S, Norbert, Cloph, Caolan, Eike, Andras,
      Sophie, Jacobo, Michael M, Jan I, Miklos, Bubli, Stephan, Bjoern,
      Jan-Marek, Olivier
* Completed Action Items:
    + update developer certification page (Sophie)
    + push removal of yet-another check on ZIP files (Jan-Marek)
    + Add a new 5.1 category for high-prio. bugs & to scripts (Robinson)
    + add a 4.4.7 to the release-plan (Cloph)
        [ RC1 already created ].
    + talk to Alex wrt. design blog tomorrow (Cloph)
        [ created, and Kendy has credentials 
    + look into writing DSO dependency check script (Stephan)
        [ https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/#/c/19909/
          started something; what it does is check the libraries
          and executables; does anything contain a '/' ie. full-path
          doesnt' check for white or black-list of known good &
          bad libs yet.
             + example was of case where we bibisect repos depended on
               an unexpected system library.
             + would need to build a white-list, still a WIP ]
    + added Munich and Madrid Hackfests to Events page (Bjoern)
    + merge Widow/Orphan on by default (Justin)
* Pending Action Items:
    + please cleanup / merge mentoring page (JanI)
        [ https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Mentors
          https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/FindTheExpert ]
    + UserAgent - drop bundled-languages (Michael)
    + UserAgent - produce a patch for review (Michael)
    + Largo as a hack-fest venue ? chat to Dave (Robinson)
    + come up with a proposal for "abandoned" / "insufficient data"
      resolution in the bug-flow graph (Robinson)
        [ lively discussion... ]
    + setup FOSDEM Hackfest wiki page with dates (Bjoern)
        [ focusing on Munich / Madrid ]
    + book FOSDEM conf. room for board meeting (Florian/Bjoern?)
        [ perhaps after not before to avoid hackfest conflict ]
* Release Engineering update (Cloph)
    + 4.4.6 / 5.0.3 retrospective
        + released as final
        + update check a bit later than usual.
            + bug on Win-XP, check for updates doesn't create a dialog
    + 4.4.7
        + RC1 tagged and pushed to mirrors; announce to public later.
    + 5.1.0 branch / feature-freeze: ~1 weeks out: Week 47
        + Robinson to take care of branching & tagging.
    + 5.0.4 status
        + RC1 / freeze week 48, 2x weeks out.
    + Android & iOS Remote
        + will create a new Android Viewer later this week.
* Documentation (Miklos / Olivier)
    + Kendy released a new ver. of the help editing extension.
       + a number of new fixes.
    + cleaner contents of the generated help.
* UX Update (Bubli)
    + design meeting didn't happen yesterday
       + looking for a new / suitable time.
       + not found one that fits everyone.
    + continuing Tor's work on Impress transitions
       + tooltips as well as legends needed for translators.
* Further renaming in sw (Kendy/Miklos)
    + Kendy would again update the script so that Cloph can run it before the 
    + new improvements to fix:
        + Sw*Frm -> Sw*Frame, Crsr -> Cursor
           -- now that sw::Frame is gone (specific to binary word filter)
    + script lives in: bin/rename-sw-abbreviations.sh
    + concern wrt. testing before commit (Norbert)
        + can test the script in advance (Miklos)
        + use more precise Clang plugins ? (Bjoern)
           + nail the comments too (Miklos)
AI: + run the script just before branch-off (Robinson)
* Crashtest update
    + 0 import failures, 0 export failures, 333 coverity issues
        + downward trend on new coverity results
        + mostly qa/ Java code (Norbert)
           + not delivered code, less critical.
    + asan+ubsan crashtest run, deferred.
* SolarMutex checks in writer for UNO API (Bjoern)
    + quick note; added some SolarMutex checks in
        + if anything ever touches them without that mutex -> broken.
    + found a few from subsequent-check
        + added 10x new SolarMutex bits; may not be the whole story.
    + if you find an assertion in stack-trace in dbgutil - should be easy to 
    + anyone doing OOP writer / UNO API, encouraged to run vs. dbgutil master
        + eg. Wollmux vs. a debug build would be interesting.
    + Grammar-checker, runs in a separate thread
        + errors.ubuntu.com - sometimes knocks itself out; locking ?
* Hackfests (Bjoern)
    + GNOME hack-fest in Madrid - Dec 2nd -> 4th (Jacobo)
          + sent an invitation to LibreOffice deployments in Spain
              + they may need funding to attend.
          + Wiki page pending - Bjoern working on it.
    + FOSDEM / Beta Co-working (Bjoern)
    + LiMux hackfest end of November (Jan-Marek)
          + Fri 20th - Sun 22nd November 2015
          + official page https://wiki.debian.org/BSP/2015/11/Munich
            to replace the doodle
    + next venues / suggestions
        + considering another Gran Canaria hack-fest (Thorsten)
            + March next year (?)
* Mentoring Update (JanI)
    + helping newcomers getting build going
    + what's the right gerrit workflow ?
        + will re-write the wiki page to 1 not 3
    + two others approached in private, now creating patches
        + Android & Java bits.
    + cleaning wiki pages.
    + some Java & C++ patches himself.
    + issue with cppunit hanging:
        + solenv/gbuild/CppUnit
        + visual-studio confused wrt. a unit-test file.
    + next week:
        + bugzilla & gerrit - questing for new devs.
* migrating Java subsequenttest to Python (Bjoern/Michael S)
    + open patches in gerrit
        + re-writing old java tests in python.
    + concern wrt. tests for locking issues in Java (Michael S)
    + concern wrt. duplicating tests (Miklos)
        + have either the java or the python version - not both.
    + why python not java ? (Michael M)
        + move to C++ ?
        + the python code is in-process (Bjoern)
            + usually much easier to debug.
    + check-bookmarks is special (Michael S)
        + 10k bookmarks, stress the solar-mutex etc.
    => don't migrate check-bookmarks, all other Java tests are
       fair game and ensure we remove old java versions of
       tests migrated to python.
        + encouraging to see tests being migrated.
* l10n Update (Sophie)
    + Cloph updated the template vs. master, translation ongoing.
        + no issues.
* Developer Certification (Stephan/Bjoern/Kendy/Thorsten)
    + pending another 5 weeks.
* Why do we have 2x svg import filters ? (Caolan)
    + perhaps Armin has some input.
    + 2 for different purposes.
        A - as an image (insert->picture)
            + gives the best rendering.
        B - where we import as our file format (file->open)
    + not quite as simple as expected.
        hope to one day be a super-set of SVG (perhaps).
* Jenkins / CI update (Norbert)
    from:Thu Nov  5 14:32:48 2015
    master linux rel  jobs:212 ok:206 ko:6 fail  ratio:2.83%  break:5  broken 
    master linux dbg  jobs:206 ok:173 ko:31 fail ratio:15.04% break:12 broken 
    master mac rel    jobs:201 ok:198 ko:3 fail  ratio:1.49%  break:2  broken 
    master mac dbg    jobs:196 ok:187 ko:9 fail  ratio:4.59%  break:7  broken 
    master win rel    jobs:93  ok:58  ko:35 fail ratio:37.63% break:6  broken 
    master win dbg    jobs:147 ok:109 ko:38 fail ratio:25.85% break:19 broken 
    master win64 dbg  jobs:141 ok:103 ko:38 fail ratio:26.95% break:10 broken 
    lo-4.4 mac        jobs:5   ok:4   ko:1 fail  ratio:19.99% break:1  broken 
    gerrit win rel    jobs:215 ok:135 ko:80 fail ratio:37.2%
    gerrit lin rel    jobs:227 ok:200 ko:27 fail ratio:11.89%
    gerrit mac rel    jobs:223 ok:200 ko:23 fail ratio:10.31%
    gerrit all        jobs:215 ok:124 ko:91 fail ratio:42.32%
        + fairly bad windows week
        + next week -> prolly red, this weeks' windows problems.
        + why more suceeded dbg builds, vs. rel builds ? (Michael)
             + perhaps box busy doing something else at a bad time (Norbert)
        + linux dbg builds broken: SolarMutex bits (Bjoern)
    + steady state of goodness.
* Easy Hacks:
    + new easy-hacks thanks to: ...
        + http://bit.ly/1KR4HWX
    + create your own by setting whiteboard to eg.
            "easyHack difficultyBeginner skillCpp topicCleanup"
    + create new easy hacks from these proposed ones
      (or remove the whiteboard keyword "needsDevEval" if not feasible):
* QA update (Robinson)
    + UNCONFIRMED at 483 + 28 bugs in UX-advise
        + Nice drop from last week; need some triage help from UX
    + needAdvice at 16
    + New Bugzilla Status for 'abandoned' bugs:
        + Suggestions so far: ABANDONED, INSUFFICIENT DATA, EXPIRED, or 
        + Ongoing discussion by E-mail.
    + Most Pressing Bugs:
        + tdf#95573 - EXTENSION MANAGER - freeze / hang when attempting to 
install extensions on OSX 10.11...
        + tdf#95728 - FILESAVE CRASH
            + can we get a stack trace with symbols, and/or ideally a valgrind 
trace on Linux.
* QA stats
  + https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/page.cgi?id=weekly-bug-summary.html
    +168    -126        (+42 overall)
    many thanks to the top bug squashers:
        Beluga                15
        Cor Nouws             12
        Maxim Monastirsky     11
        Adolfo Jayme           8
        Caolán McNamara        7
        V Stuart Foote         6
        Xisco Faulí            6
        Andras Timar           5
        Alex Thurgood          5
        Julien Nabet           4
        Eike Rathke            3
        Katarina Behrens (CIB) 3
        A (Andy)               3
        Jan-Marek Glogowski    3
        Armin Le Grand         2
* Highest-Priority bugs (aka "MABs"):
        5.0: 11/49 - 22%    -1
        4.4: 10/70 - 14%    +0
        4.3: 6/67   - 8%    +0
        4.2: 11/132 - 8%    +0
        4.1: 4/79   - 5%    +0
        4.0: 11/81  - 13%   +0
        old: 39/246 - 15%   +0
* Bibisected bugs open: whiteboard 'bibisected'
  + 336/1098 332/1088 341/1089 330/1074 324/1064 322/1047 324/1039 325/1029
    + http://tdf.io/bibibugs
* all bugs tagged with 'regression'
        + 718(+7) bugs open of 4385(+22) total 45(+0) high prio.
        * ~Component   count net * high severity regressions
                  Calc - 20 (+0)
                Writer - 12 (+0)
           LibreOffice -  7 (+0)
               Impress -  2 (+0)
        graphics stack -  1 (+1)
            Extensions -  1 (+0)
                  Base -  1 (-1)
                + http://bit.ly/1HWHb3E
        * ~Component   count net * all regressions
                Writer - 237 (-2)
                  Calc - 156 (+1)
               Crashes -  54 (+3)
               Impress -  48 (-2)
           LibreOffice -  48 (+0)
                    UI -  44 (+1)
        graphics stack -  33 (+2)
               Borders -  29 (+1)
                  Base -  24 (-1)
                  Draw -  22 (+2)
   filters and storage -  15 (+0)
                 BASIC -  13 (+2)
Printing and PDF export-  11 (+0)
                 Chart -  10 (+0)
        Formula Editor -   5 (+0)
            Extensions -   3 (+0)
          Installation -   2 (+0)
             framework -   2 (+0)
            Linguistic -   2 (+0)
                   sdk -   1 (+0)
                + http://bit.ly/1BUdI8i

 michael.me...@collabora.com  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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