Hi Jay, *,

On Fri, Jun 9, 2017 at 1:10 AM, Jay Philips <philip...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> […]
>>      + unclear what the future holds here: Snap, FlatPack, AppImage (Michael)
> If its Libreoffice future, i believe AppImage will be it, as it provides 
> similar functionality as the portable version found on windows, like
> 1) not having to install it on your system to run it (aka portable)

No need to install for TDF builds either.

> 2) copying it on a usb and run it on any linux distro (atleast the minimum 
> system that LO supports, something that snap and flatpak cant do)

can do that with the TDF builds as well.

> 3) easily running multiple versions (would improve linux QA, as it would also 
> lower that barrier for users to test old versions)

can do that with the TDF builds as well.

>>      + no real need for Linux portable edition (Cloph)
>>         + tar-ball can be unzipped.
> This is fine for advanced linux users but not for basic linux users, 
> including those from windows or mac. The tar-ball doesnt even come with a 
> simple extract or install bash script,

Not true, there's and install script that could be used, but even t
hat is not necessary since you can simply extract the packages

for i in *rpm; do rpm2cpio $i | cpio -idmv ; done

with appimage you'd also have to use the console/terminal/whatever to
make it executable for example, so whether you have instructions that
read "run chmod +x <file-you-donwloaded>" or tell them to run any
other command/one-liner for that matter doesn't really make a
difference im my book.

>>      + some people may want it do why not ? (Heiko)
>>         + up-loading takes time, maintenance etc. (Cloph)
> The .tar.gz to .appimage bash conversion script can be run directly on the 
> webserver, so that would eliminate any uploading time.

But it seems that every language needs its own full installset, and t
hat is a no-go for actual redistribution.

>>         + if 2 people use it – build it themselves pwrt. daily builds.
> Quite sure more than 2 people will use it, as i would be one of them,

Exaggeration to make a point.

And flatpak has a different approach/has repository style backing, but
even that is not a general purpose distribution at the moment.
And for TDF builds flatpak also has deminshing returns, since the main
benefit of the dependencies are already taken care of..

>>      + the request is “become a linux distribution” (Michael)
>>        + flat-pack doesn’t include the GNOME run-time (Stephan)
>>        + AppImage sounds like it will include ~everything:
>>          Gstreamer + all codecs etc. - from some random PC (Michael)
> No the appimage will only include the same files LO bundles in the released 
> .deb and .rpm files found in the .tar.gz. It assumes the users system has the 
> necessary other dependencies on their system.

Then no added benefit.

> […]
>>           + AppImage works hard to solve a problem we already solved:
>>             of being an ISV on Linux – it is hard but solveable.
> Appimage tries to solve a major problem on linux, easily running an app on 
> any linux distro,

Again: Already solved by TDF builds by using a baseline that  doesn't
introduce runtime issues.
The major problem doesn't exist for LibreOffice. For other software
that is a selling point, but LO already has solved this problem in a
different way.

Just  answer: Why should I convert to an appimage, if I could also
could just  create a tarball or iso-image or similar of the extracted
rpm packages? Same effect for LO.
Add a link to toplevel so people don't need to browse to
opt/libreoffice/program to launch, but then it's the same thing,

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