Hi Pierre-Yves,

One thing: please use reply-to-all on this list, as not everyone might
be subscribed.

Another thing of note: please read the mail that should follow this
one before jumping to conclusions.

> I also like new  style via the combo.


> I agree with the remark about  including  enable / disable  option (I
> pointed out that it's based on a nonexistent property to date).  But I'm not
> sure that the checkbox (left of "Condition x") would be unambiguous as it is
> currently used to remove a condition. Explicit word would have my preference
> (see my mockup).

AFAICS, currently it is used as a way to disable a condition, with the
only problem being that disabled conditions are thrown away when
closing the window. However, as long as the window is open, you can
still re-enable it. And I don't see the ambiguity, really.
Nevertheless, I guess, unless Markus wants to implement a new
(apparently also non-spec [1]) behaviour, I'll remove that from the
mockups for now.

> 1. Step 1: you indicate "Comes up with one condition set up Already"
> In this mockup, 45 Is the value of the current cell ?

Dumb of me. I'll correct that, thanks.

> 2. It would be a plus if the preview area used the value or the result of
> the formula instead of the word Example.

That was what I intended to show with the "$ 12,34" value.

> 3. About reordering conditions, doing it *also* by drag and drop would be a
> plus. Your screens do not suggest to the user that this is possible.

You're right, the mockups don't include it. If they did, I would have
added grippies at left side. What I meant was: if we include
reordering, drag and drop is much more user-friendly than the buttons
you included. They are a crutch and awful to use because they act so
indirectly on the the conditions (my opinion). Only for a11y reasons
would it be necessary to include something similar if reordering were
indeed to be implemented.

> 4. In the same token I do not like a single Add button with a Remove button
> by condition: this suggests that the add is done in last place without
> allowing to insert a condition.

In my mockups they were.

> My preference is so much to + and - buttons for each condition:
> - They lighten the dialog

I don't see how that would lighten the dialogue. It would mean a lot
more buttons.

> - They suggest and explicitly allow the insert


Best regards,


– doesn't seem to provision for disabled conditions (I don't know if I
read that right, though)
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