Hi again Jean-Francois,

On Mon, 2012-02-20 at 10:17 +0100, Cedric Bosdonnat wrote:
> On Fri, 2012-02-17 at 18:47 +0100, Jean-Francois Nifenecker wrote:
> > I consider the text boundaries to be a visual clue to the page layout, 
> > as much as the un-printable chars are. Completely dropping that feature 
> > for the new "angles" (actual name?) is then inappropriate in that 
> > regard. On the opposite, proposing the "angles" for people who don't 
> > want the un-printable chars (there are some, though I do my best to 
> > convert them ;) is ok, as far as the text boundaries can be optionally 
> > displayed if the user so wishes.
> > -> Adding this option to the unprintable chars switch would be a good 
> > option, IMO.
> That proposition looks good to me as it provides all three
> possibilities. That being said I don't know when I'll be able to work on
> it: that's the eternal problem of priorities ;)
> If someone wants to do it before me, feel free to have a look at
> sw/source/core/layout/paintfrm.cxx file.

Finally found some time / courage to implement it. You'll find it on
master branch (target 3.6):


Don't hesitate to grab a daily build to test it.


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