Hi Matteo,

> Well, in this case my goal is to let the user see the content of not-full
> rows without explicitly looking for it, and to move rapidly from an item to
> another without too much corrections.

I see.

> Good catch. Also speaking from a Western perspective, I find it somewhat
> confusing to be brought at the opposite side of the one I was moving to (and
> columns can be long and involve scrolling, while rows don't scroll). My
> point is that currently left/right let you navigate through all the items,
> while up/down keys can leave a row "hidden".

This again makes lots of sense to me. Also, we didn't hear anything
about wrapping around from top to bottom being necessary behaviour, so
I guess, just doing it should be fine.

> I don't know the original goals of that features: currently it seems to me
> that if you use modifiers than nothing happens.

As I said, I /think/ you should keep that behaviour.

>>> * If "none" item is present, then it could be accessed only from the
>>>  first item by pressing any of left/up (also page up/home ?) keys.
>>>  When selected, it can be exited only by pressing right/down (also
>>>  page down/end?) keys, but always lead to the first item.
> I'm less sure of this, now. If a wrap around for up/down is desired, the
> current behavior of always passing through the "none" item probably makes
> more sense. Unless we find a dedicated key to select that item, which could
> solve the situation. Any idea?

Hrm. Extremely wild idea: use backspace..?
More conventional idea: use Tab to go the normal items, use Shift-Tab
to go to the "None" item.

>>> * Return key behavior: at least it should not close the color
>>>  configuration window, but my guess is that's a misconfiguration of
>>>  the specific instance of ValueSet.
>> Not entirely sure about this one, although probably most people would
>> want to use Return and Tab the same way (i. e. to get to the next
>> widget and select a colour).

I just noticed that wrote that this is used for both both colour
configuration and selection ...
* for the configuration what I wrote makes sense
* for selection, less so – I guess, pressing Return there should
indeed close the popup

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