Hei hei!

I agree that page borders not being shown is a bug. It is weird that one has to click on page preview and go back to editing mode, in order to see them. In my opinion, it would be very practical to always have them displayed! Printing sheets and getting Calc to print "the desired amount of content" is extremely difficult. Page borders help a lot in that respect. Just recently, I found that Calc offers a scaling mode that fits the print range to a certain number of pages. But this option is also difficult to control and it makes printing different sheets with different layout an extremely tedious job. To make things worse, this dialog is hidden in the page formatting dialog instead of being placed in the print dialog. All in all, I think that constantly visible page borders would improve Calc a lot.

> But WONTFIX sound always harsh for the reporter of the bug and
> might discourage him to help in LibreOffice, so I would not use it.
Yes, I agree on that too. Why are bug submitters not being involved in discussions? It is very frustrating to submit a bug report and (in some cases) spend a lot of time to reproduce the bug or make documentation like a picture, only for someone else to tell you to "shut up". Even if something is not a bug, but an enhancement, a report should not be closed that quickly.
Sorry, that had to be said ...

Daniel M

On 3.9.2012 23:06, Regina Henschel wrote:
Hi Christina,

Christina Roßmanith schrieb:
Hi Regina,

to make sure we are talking about the same "page borders": there are
slightly thicker lines in normal view indicating what is printed on a

Ah, that are no "page borders", but that are the lines for "Automatik
page break". Therefore I was so confused. The color of this lines can be
set in Tools > Options > LibreOffice > Appearance, section Spreadsheet.

  But they appear only after "print preview" for a sheet was executed.

Yes, I can confirm, that they are not shown initially. After switching
to "Page Break Preview" (in menu View) and back to "Normal" they are
shown. Calling "Page preview" and closing will do the same, and calling
page layout dialog and finish with OK or calling printing dialog as well.

If the bug reporter confirmes that "print preview" works for him I'll
close the bug with "NOTABUG" - any objections?

It is a bug (or a missing feature), that they are not shown immediately.
But that behavior is not new. It is there at least since OOo1.1.5. So
"NOTABUG" is not really true.

Another question is, whether you want to work on it. Because a lot of
actions trigger this lines, the "bug" is not severe. In OOo-times there
had been the large dump "OOo later" for such reports. You can confirm
the issue and set it to a low importance, or immediately close it with
WONTFIX. But WONTFIX sound always harsh for the reporter of the bug and
might discourage him to help in LibreOffice, so I would not use it.

Kind regards
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