Hi all,

(Having the pleasure to work with it recently, I started to look in my archive for this mail list... )

Stefan Knorr wrote (11-10-12 15:15)

so, here's a more constructive try to make the autofit feature better:

First thanks for the feature :-)
And yes, there is some opportunity to make it better.

* First of all, I don't really understand how to enable the autofit
feature on an abitrary new "TextEdit" [1]. The only way I know how to
enable it is to choose a certain slide template. And only then this item
appears in the context menu, so you can turn it off.

For me this is the most important part.
When editing, also when pasting larger pieces of text, you get lost on what is happening and how to have control.

* Secondly, there are actually two autofit features: the Text toolbar
contains a feature that even skews text, so it will fit the frame
(called Fit to Text Frame). Skewing text is really ugly and the feature
serves to confuse one when one is looking for ways to turn on/off
autofitting. Granted, it is not very visible. We might want to decide to
kill that feature anyway.

Never seen nor tried it. If it's bad, it may be removed. Maybe reuse the button..

* Third, I don't think it is necessary for people to know exactly what
font size their text is. What's important, is that they know when they

Well, I started to look to have an idea what was going on. So I wanted to check it as a visual feed back.
Once you know how to use / turn it of, it's not that important.

get below the 18pt threshold for readable text on slides. I would

 isn't  18pt  arbitrary? Depending on language (CTL..) too?

propose implementing a non-modal bar for this purpose or some form of
even less intrusive notification like a small red rectangle next to the
text field  with a tooltip or so.

* Fourth, autofitting should be easily available from the toolbar to
turn on/off. It should also be very visible that it is turned on. So,
how about a button for it directly next to the font size control?

[1] Really, we're showing that in the status bar ... that's definitely
implementation terminology in the wrong place. "Text Field" might be
more fitting.

It indicates you are editing text, so TextEdit does make some sense, IMO.


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