Since the removal of the old template manager dialog, lots of user have
complaining that now they cant open external templates for edit. After
talking to Cedric about it we concluded that we have two options:

1.- Add the action to the Template Manager dialog (possibly as a action of
the wheel menu)
2.- Enhance the file pickers to edit templates when selecting a box.

About the first one i really don't like it at all since the whole point of
the template manager is to manage templates inside the libreoffice profile,
so just adding an option to open an external template through it, just feel
wrong and misplaced, also it takes more effort, open the template manager,
then click on the required menu and then search for the desired template.
Instead the second one feels more natural and logical, we click on the open
file, search the desired file and then just mark the option to edit the
template, what we normally do when opening a file.

My opinion is to go for the second option for the reasons stated above.

Any comment or suggestion is highly appreciated.
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