Hi all,

Le 20/05/2013 02:28, Cor Nouws a écrit :
Cor Nouws wrote (20-05-13 01:39)

only managed to add the checkbox option to the gtk+, kde4
and native dialogs, still pending the windows one and mac, but i dont
have access to a mac, so its hard to work on that one.

Joren - also in cc here - does have and does some useful patches now and
then. No idea if he would be able and willing... just posting the
hint  ;)

Another idea - by far the simplest, but less elegant -
When a user opens a template, give a popup  ( :D )

   You choose a template
   Do you want a new file from that
   template or edit the template ?
   [[ New document ]]  [  Edit template  ]

New document = default


Well, that was already proposed 2 times in this thread !

First by Raphael on 09/04/2013, then myself on 11/05/2013.

Mirek and Cedric acknowledged that it should be the right way to do.

The remaining point seems to be how to ask user :
- a modal dialog ?
- an infobar ?

is 'infobar' something like that :
https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Design/Whiteboards/Infobar ?

so, IMHO, I think that an infobar is too late in the opening process :
- the infobar is shown above the newly created window (the opened template or the newly created file) - if a click in a button of infobar closes the current window and open another, it may disturb the user - is it technically ok to close the current window and open another from an infobar ?

It seems to me that a simple dialog before opening template/creating new file is technically much simpler and more obvious for users.

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