Op 26/06/13 14:14, Marcos Souza schreef:
> Hi UX guys!
> Michaels Meeks pushed now I changed that I did about the auto closing
> brackets, parenthesis and braces.
> http://cgit.freedesktop.org/libreoffice/core/commit/?id=d12980ce0b86549028ddaac3192f14456dde25c6
> What do you think about it? Do you agree with the implementation of
> this feature, or maybe this can be done in a better way?
I really love this feature. I see there is in Math not a Writer feature
like 'autocorrection' or options related to that. Maybe one improvement
can be made to add an option to Tools > Options > LibreOffice Math  so
you can disable this feature if necessary.

Thank you very much for this improvement! Really appreciated :)

Kind regards,
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