Hello all,

This summer I will be working on an iOS application which allows users to
control their slide shows right from their iOS devices. A complete proposal
and estimated timetable is available

I've already implemented all basic functionalities on the iOS5 with two
iterations of UI design but I would absolutely like to have some feedbacks
from you ! You can find my first set of design
a second iteration
Note that the second one are screenshots from actual implementation while
the first one is a photoshoped draft.

Besides, shall I open up a whiteboard specific to this project so that we
can have more discussion there? What should I do to start it?

Finally, you can follow my progress on this feed:
contact me on IRC (nickname: siqi)

Looking forward to your feedbacks and suggestions !

All the best!

Siqi LIU

Étudiant Ingérieur, Université de Technologie de Compiègne
Vice-Président de l'association robotique UTCoupe
Responsable d'atelier de ClubChine

  Tel. +33 7 61 16 95 83
  email: m...@siqi.fr
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