--- Comment #2 from Garry Knight <> ---
Whether it's new or not, or whether I upgrade to the latest version is
irrelevant. I'm now thinking that it's just as well that I didn't upgrade
before now.

Like a great many LibreOffice users I suffer from arthritis and won't reach for
the mouse any more than I absolutely need to. To access the Fill menu I now
have to down no fewer than twelve presses of the Up or Down arrow, whereas
before I could just press the 'I' key.

It's great that you at least think of using unique accelerator keys but it
would be better if the interface were not to become more difficult for those of
us with various disabilities.

By the way, I've just discovered the Ctrl+D shortcut to fill down. This makes
things a little easier, but there's no equivalent key for up and right, both of
which I use just about every time I use Calc.

As for the possible relocation of the Fill actions, if it happens I just hope
they're accessible.

Thanks for your response.

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