--- Comment #19 from Y <> ---
Thanks V Stuart Foote for drawing my attention to bug 37817.

Generally, I see the scroll bar requirement for off-canvas elements.  Your
expert input confirm what I did not know but suspected at comment 15 when I
stated that a suggestion depends on whether horizontal scrolling is desirable
in Optimal View.

Where access to off-canvas elements is required, horizontal scrolling is
obviously not just desirable, but also necessary.

Question is: can one of the zoom modes be dedicated to the case when the user
deliberately decides not to access off-canvas elements by selecting said zoom

I cannot volunteer technical suggestion on the specific implementation as I
know practically nothing of LibreOffice internals.  Not sure that extra
clicking or GUI action should be necessary.  I'd rather prefer the document to
ignore the (unintended) horizontal movements on the touchpad.

I can volunteer that semantically, "Optimal View" makes me think of the most
readable view (so: largest fonts / optimization of horizontal space to show
only the text between the margins, knowing that I would see only parts of the
off-canvas elements) with the most scrolling comfort (so: guided vertically).

A follow-up question is whether there needs to be an extra action to exit this
kind of "guardrail scrolling mode" or the selection of any other zoom mode in
the menu is sufficient?  Assuming that the guardrail mode is implemented,
either in lieu of Optimal View or as an additional zoom mode.

As for the duplicate status, I will leave the decision to you, as you manage
development and this analysis is input to your development work.  Do what makes
your life easier, and let me know what I can contribute.  There is definitely
overlap.  It is also kind of daunting to see that bug 37817 has been around for
so many years.  Optimal Zoom as it stands today *almost* does the job.  What is
it that makes it so difficult to lock horizontal scrolling?  I do not mind the
horizontal bars remaining on screen (the optimization is horizontal).  I just
do not want my clumsy touchpad movement to scroll the document out of the
horizontal optimum position.

Thanks again.

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