--- Comment #12 from Telesto <> ---
Another request which slightly messes with the principle of one bug/topic for
each report. But UX likes to combine things regarding the same dialog/UI.

-- Based on bug 144279 
The DPI spinbox shows integral numbers. However if you switch from Dots per
inch to Pixel per CM the spinbox shows a rounded value (37), while internally
the resolution is still exactly 96 PPI

The dialog would be more self-explanatory if the spinbox did show some digits
after the comma (Corel Paintshop has 3). This would explain the result by
itself. And make it possible to input stuff behind the comma. If you touch the
spinbox you lose the Dots per CM equivalent of say 96 DPI and you can't go
back.. Yes, switching to DPI and go back to cm..  

- More detailed:
> You see that 96 pixels per inch doesn't mean some "round" number of pixels
> per cm: 96 PPI = 37.7952755905512... pixels per cm. When you switch from in
> to cm in the resolution, the control shows a rounded (down) value, but
> internally the resolution is still exactly 96 PPI - which is *correct*,
> because user might need just to check some different units without actually
> change the resolution. However, when user starts to *modify* the resolution
> using the new units, the new value is the integral number of pixels per unit
> - and when you select 37 again, it is true 37 pixels per cm, not the initial
> 37.7952755905512... which you started with. Hence the difference in the size
> - which is again OK.

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