--- Comment #11 from ---
So what is the conclusion? Is it that the 'Customize' dialog works on Windows
with a big display scaled down to 1280x800 but it doesn't work on Gnome 42 with
native 1280x800 resolution.

If the problem is not fixed for Gnome, does this mean my workarounds are:
1. Install Windows
2. Use an external monitor with a larger display size in pixels
3. Replace the laptop with one that has a larger display size

Could the problem be that the UI libraries that generate dialog box widgets on
Windows create them with a lower vertical size than the libraries that generate
dialog box widgets on Gnome? The sum of all the vertical heights pushes the
buttons beyond what is visible on a native 1280x800 display.

Could this also mean that testing dialogs on Windows is not 100% equivalent to
testing dialogs on Gnome?

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