--- Comment #3 from R. Bingham <> ---
FYI, this attachment/comment may show multiple times. I submitted it but it is
now not showing in Bugzilla when I re-query this bug 155054. 

Thanks. I volunteer edit a wide range of documents, accumulating my own library
of OTTs AND a library of 100s of styles (for all style types shown in
Navigator) across multiple OTTs. I have become very sensitive to the clunky
parts of the LO UI regards 'enterprise' style creation and curation for
consistency across OTTs. I dream of an enterprise database of LO styles I can
manage via a spreadsheet-like presentation for consistency and parameter-value
patterns across all my OTTs. Sigh...

In the meantime I must make do with the OTT by OTT, style-by-style tabbed-pane
GUI. Navigator is my friend. Inheritance is my friend for managing commonality
of parameter value sub-sets in tree children. The attached screenshot...

well, no, Bugzilla Attachment submission not working at the moment, so
laboriously re-create in text here

 Hd VolSer 100 LOO LeftAlign Sans parent_only
  Hd VolSer 110 LOG LftA KeepNext Sans parent_only
   Hd VolSer 260 VS Vol L03 F/13_Mattr H FM_Title
   Hd VolSer 264 VS Vol LD4 F/13_Mattr L2
   Hd VolSer 268 VS Vol LOS F/B_Mattr L3
   Hd VolSer 320 VS Vol Wart L04 UB_I'vlattr LI
   Hd VolSer 330 VS Vol Wart L05 UB_Mattr L2
   Hd VolSer 510 VS Vol Wart 1-StorySet L04 StorySetTitle
   Hd VolSer 520 VS Vol Wart 1-StorySet L05 F/B_Mattr L1
   Hd VolSer 530 VS Vol Wart 1-StorySet LO6 F/B_Mattr L2
   Hd VolSer 610 VS Vol Wart 1-StorySet Story LOS StoryTitle L1
   Hd VolSer 620 VS Vol Vpart 1-StorySet Story LOS StoryTitle L2
   Hd VolSer 710 Vol Wart 1-StorySet Story Chap LD6 ChapTitle L1
      Hd VolSer 715 VS Vol Wart 1-StorySet Story Chap LO6 ChapTitle L1 AutoNbr
   Hd VolSer 720 VS Vol Vpart 1-StorySet Story Chap L06 ChapTitle L2 SubTitle
   Hd VolSer 730 VS Vol Vpart 1-StorySet Story Chap Anno L07 LO parent_only
      Hd VolSer 734 VS Vol Vpart 1-StorySet Story Chap Anna 1_07 L1
      Hd VolSer 740 VS Vol VPart 1-StorySet Story Chap Anno L08 L2 Topic
         Hd VolSer 740 Vol Wart 1-StorySet Story Chap Anno LOB L2 SH_Crono
  Hd VolSer 780 VS Vol Vpart 1-StorySet Story Chap Anna L10 L4 Char
  Hd VolSer 150 VS LO1 VolSerTitle
  Hd VolSer 210 VS Vol L02 VolTitle L1
  Hd VolSer 220 VS Vol 1_02 VolTitle L2 SubTitle
  Hd VolSer 310 VS Vol Wart L03 VpartTitle
  Hd VolSer L09 LftA Hdr def placeholder
 Heading 1

... shows a small part of one of my paragraph styles trees still evolving. Note
how I use 'parent only' styles not intended for actual doc use to both encode
key parameter value choices in the style name and as a holder of those values
for the children. Note how I have had to develop a hints encoding scheme for
the style terminal name for when it appears in a tabbed-pane flat picklist. The
encoding scheme not only hints at parameter values but also leverages the
style-name string sort that usefully happens in both picklist and Navigator
presentations. Building up this sort/grouping gives each style-name item a
surrounding context as an implicit additional hint of meaning. The encoding
burden on the terminal sytle-name could be much less in the Navigator
hierarchial view since the inheritance parents are there to also carry some of
the encoding in their names as well.

I note that Navigator does not offer inheritance for Pages, Lists, and Tables
styles. Sadness, and my next UI enhancement requests.


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