--- Comment #5 from jollytall <> ---
Well, not exactly.
An object might be anchored to the sheet, and still it IS copied when a RANGE
is selected (not all sheet), but only if it is selected in a way that the full
object is within the range. You do not need to select the object separately, it
goes with the cells if all cells under the object is copied.
It leads a bit farther, but when an object is selected then normally it is
marked with orange dots. Still if I copy cells under it in a way that not all
the object is in it (i.e. the object is not selected, not copied) OR I copy
cells under it in a way that the whole object is in it (i.e. the object is
selected and copied), there is no difference in marking. It cannot be seen that
the object is selected or not. It would probably be a good step to mark the
object (with the orange dots or with the animated dashes like the cells) if it
is selected and copied.

Btw. In the meantime I checked what Excel does. If I copy a sheet with an
object on it, the object is copied to a new sheet, while the objects on the
target sheet is not deleted. So, it can be copied over and over again many
times (just like us). However the chart data is still linked to the source
sheet and it is not moved with the object. So I think Calc is better.
Also, I tried what Delete and Cut does there. Delete works the same way as in
Calc (i.e. leaves the object on the sheet), but Cut is different. There Cut
removes the object as well, BUT ONLY when the cut data is Pasted somewhere. You
cannot do what in Calc is possible, to Cut and then Escape, so to easily remove
a sheet or a part of it with the objects on it, with a simple click. So, again,
I think Calc is better.

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