--- Comment #9 from ady <> ---
(In reply to Bigor from comment #0)
> Expected Results:
> selected a2:a5

Just click on any cell (so there is no "selected range"), then click on the
upper-left "Name Box" and type-in "a2:a5" (without quotation marks).

I am not sure about the consequences of applying any action to that selected
a2:a5 range, considering that cell a4 is no longer just a4 alone.

Now, while the selection itself is possible as I just mentioned, I agree with
Aron in comment 5. I am not sure this should be considered a bug.

FWIW, Calc already has some possibilities (on the individual cells that conform
the merged area, a4:c4 in the example) that are not available in Excel (IIRC,
but I cannot check it myself ATM). If you still need to perform actions on
individual cells, them maybe they should not be really merged at all and the
user should consider some alternative layout.

Moreover, there are situations in which the current behavior is desired.

Having said that, maybe the OP could provide some practical use-case where the
request is more meaningful.

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