On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 11:29 AM, Michael Meeks <michael.me...@novell.com>wrote:

> On Tue, 2010-10-26 at 21:39 +0200, René Kjellerup wrote:
> > Very understandable then, I've had build issues since the 17th...
>        Nasty - can we help out with them ? perhaps the solver is out of
> sync
> somehow - Norbert's recommendation to remove build/libreoffice/solver in
> its entirety may help there.
well maybe... I do, whenever I can, update my build tree (once a day
usually) and just before I retry:
<loroot>$ git pull -r
if that failse (cause of locally modified files)
<loroot>$ git fetch ; git merge origin
<loroot>$ bin/g fetch ; bin/g merge origin

<loroot>$ make clean
<loroot>$ ./autogen.sh <options>
<loroot>$ make

if you'd have some git pointer if I need to update my build tree otherwise

> > and no real time to look into it. I apologize for having brought it up
> > so late.
>        No problem ! :-)
> > Nice to see it has been solved. Thanks
>        Thanks for your persistence in debugging ! lets try to get you a
> working build ...
yeah, I thought I had one yesterday evening
however a perl script failed for make dev-install (ooinstall)

I'll post a new tread about it and let this one die as it should ^_^

>        All the best,
>                Michael.
> --
>  michael.me...@novell.com  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot
I try to at least read up on the issues posted at the mailing list.

thanks for everything,

-- as life grows older, I gain experience.
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