Hi Sebastian,
I had a quick look through the updated Default and Hicontrast sets.The 
following is a list of 'features' spotted...

* brand/shell * Still in Default (not sure if this is used? Would suggest 
deletion...):backing_hc-pt_BR.png , backing_right_hc-pt_BR.png
All artwork in hicontrast is just stock (not hc). I have created a HC 
replacement (just hacked together), that saves 53.5KB > 0.8KB! Download 

* chart2 * Move 7x HC icons from Default to hicontrast:dataeditor_icon_h0*.png
* dbaccess * Delete two extra icons from hicontrast:sx03187.png , sx16670.png
* framework *Replace Branding images in hicontrast as 
* res * In hicontrast, delete 6x stock filetype icons:od*_32.pngThese are 
something we probably want to eventually replace with proper HC icons when the 
artwork is designed.Note: In Default/res/ - 445 icons, in hicontrast/res/ - 307 
icons. This disparity may be due to 
redundant icons that need stripping out eventually.
* sfx2 * Move closedochc.png
* svx/source/svdraw * From Default, move over (and check this doesn't break 
LibO!):cropmarkersACC.png , markersACC.png
* toolkit/source/awt *From Default, move over 12x HC spinner 
* vcl * Move closedochc.png
* General *Remove all Placeholder icons (Red cross on Yellow square) from 
hicontrast theme. They have not been stripped from Default yet, but we might as 
well cleanup here anyway. They may be 122, 161 or 170  bytes. Can be found in 
(but may not be limited to...):res/ and res/commandimagelist/

Hope that helps,Andrew

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