At 9:54am -0500 Tue, 30 Nov 2010, Kohei Yoshida wrote:
Sorry I have to disagree there. I'm the one who put that icon there,
and the reason for that was to have a visually obvious way to tell
whether or not the document is currently modified. A lot of people
were using the save icon status for that purpose, but some users
(including myself) also didn't like the fact that you can't always
save the document especially when the app *thinks* it's not modified
(note: there are times when the document is marked unmodified, but
some data are modified such as the cursor position, zoom level

Guilty as charged. That's how I've historically known if it's time to save. (Because I can't be bothered to remember if I've done anything, right?! ;-) ) But seriously, when I'm at a lull in thinking, I'll glance there because I'm wary of the (historically) fairly regular crashes of OO/LO and don't want to lose too much work. I think I was aware that the status icon was there, but it's not in my repertoire to look there because it's somewhat hard to find (takes me a second to find it, as opposed to the bigger, more distinct icon in the upper left).

Would not one response be that the logic behind the enabling/disabling of the save button ought to be updated? If a document can be saved, the save button ought to be enabled, yes?

(Note, I'm strategically not making any statement about the icon. :-) yet.)

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