Hi Jonathon, Michael, *,

On Thu, Dec 2, 2010 at 5:34 PM, Jonathan Aquilina
<eagles051...@gmail.com> wrote:
> would that also fix the issue of LO not finding junit jar and needing to use
> --without-junit when running ./autogen.sh?

That is totally different thing. If without-junit is a problem, then
the default of junit can be changed to not break but print a warning
instead or similar.

> On 12/2/10 5:33 PM, Michael Meeks wrote:
>>        would anyone scream if we defaulted configure to --without-java ?

I would.

>> [ this is primarily for developers ], should make it easier to build

Come on, what is hard about installing a JDK?
What is hard about reading configure's message to either
* specify the path to an installed JDK (if for whatever reasons
autodetecting it fails, if it is installed, then configure should find
it. If it fails to do so configure must be fixed instead of just
hiding the "problem") or to
* specify --without-java

>> (without the bogus version dependencies), quicker to compile, and faster
>> to run (I hope) ;-)

Faste to run? Surely not. Java is only loaded when java-stuff is actually used.

>>        It might also help us address some of the nasties on Windows -
>> where we
>> cannot easily ship a JRE everywhere.

Don't mix runtime with buildtime please...
If you're suggesting to also disable java for the released builds,
then I scream even louder.

>> [...]
>>        You have a day to scream 'STOP', 'LOOK', 'LISTEN' :-) failing that
>> I
>> suggest we tweak the default tomorrow.

The /defaults/ should be as close to what the shipped product will use.

If you want to not break when no JDK is installed, then go ahead and
turn it into a warning "No JDK found, java support will be disabled"
or similar, but please don't switch the default around.

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