Kohei Yoshida píše v Pá 03. 12. 2010 v 11:34 -0500:
> On Fri, 2010-12-03 at 17:25 +0100, Petr Mladek wrote:
> > Kohei Yoshida píše v Pá 03. 12. 2010 v 10:51 -0500:
> > > On Fri, 2010-12-03 at 16:36 +0100, Petr Mladek wrote:
> > > > Hi,
> > > > 
> > > > you have probably already noticed that I created the LIBREOFFICE_3_3_0_1
> > > > git tag for LibO-3.3-rc1 release. The builds are still running and
> > > > should be available in the beginning of the following week.
> > > 
> > > Is it possible to display the git tag in the About dialog?  We often
> > > receive comments from users along the line of "this bug is marked fixed
> > > but I still see this in my version! I'm re-opening this.", and often
> > > it's a bit hard to determine whether the bug is really not fixed, or the
> > > user has an older version not containing the fix.  And what they provide
> > > from their About dialog is not straight-forward for many of us.
> > > 
> > > If we can attach the git tag we use to build the release build in the
> > > About dialog, it would be much easier to deal with situations like this.
> > 
> > The information is there in slightly different form, see the attached
> > screenshot. The version in libreoffice-build-<versions> has exactly the
> > same value as the VERSION in the LIBREOFFICE_<VERSION> tag.
> Yes, I understand that.  But your brain still has to do the mapping
> which is an extra mental step.  You can think of it as a usability
> improvement for hackers. ;-)
> > It is enough?
> I can deal with it, but making it identical with the git tag would make
> it much easier.

I do not have any strong opinion here. I slightly prefer the current
state because I do not like strings written with capitals ;-)

Anyway, it is easy to change. You just need to modify the
--with-build-version option in distro-configs/Common*.in

You might want something like:
        --with-build-version=\"tag @git...@\"
        --with-build-version=\"based on tag @git...@\"

Well, in this case, we would need to generate GITTAG value in
configure.in. It is currently set only in the build/bin/setup.

What others think? ;-)

Best Regards,

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