On Sat, Jan 22, 2011 at 2:19 PM, Julien Nabet <serval2...@yahoo.fr> wrote:
> Hello,
> After compiling the usual way (so without the USE_GMAKE set to 1),
> I've got this error with dev-install :

Thanks for the report.
can you post the content of your autogen.last (in
/home/maryline/gnumakelibreoffice/. )


> ... languages en-US ...
> ... analyzing files ...
> ERROR: The following files could not be found:
> ERROR: File not found: svlen-US.res
> ... cleaning the output tree ...
> ... removing directory /tmp/ooopackaging/i_66901295727125 ...
> **************************************************
> ERROR: ERROR: Missing files
> in function: remove_Files_Without_Sourcedirectory
> **************************************************
> **************************************************
> ERROR: Saved logfile:
> /home/maryline/gnumakelibreoffice/libo/instsetoo_native/util/LibreOffice//logging/en-US/log_OOO330_en-US.log
> **************************************************
> Sat Jan 22 21:12:09 2011 (00:04 min.)
> Failed to install:  at
> /home/maryline/gnumakelibreoffice/libo/solenv/bin/ooinstall line 84.
> make: *** [dev-install] Erreur 255
> The last lines of the log are these :
> SUCCESS: Source for xslt/import/uof/uof2odf_text.xsl:
> /home/maryline/gnumakelibreoffice/libo/solver/330/unxlngi6.pro/bin/xslt/import/uof/uof2odf_text.xsl
> SUCCESS: Source for sofftodocbookheadings.xsl:
> /home/maryline/gnumakelibreoffice/libo/solver/330/unxlngi6.pro/bin/sofftodocbookheadings.xsl
> SUCCESS: Source for LICENSE.odt:
> /home/maryline/gnumakelibreoffice/libo/solver/330/unxlngi6.pro/bin/osl/LICENSE.odt
> SUCCESS: Source for LICENSE:
> /home/maryline/gnumakelibreoffice/libo/solver/330/unxlngi6.pro/bin/osl/LICENSE
> ERROR: Removing file svlen-US.res from file list.
> Removing directory /tmp/ooopackaging/i_66901295727125
> ***************************************************************
> ERROR: Missing files
> in function: remove_Files_Without_Sourcedirectory
> ***************************************************************
> Julien.
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