
> the work youre doing is really impressive.

Thank you!

> I have a suggestion for a small improvement: The bevel around each color
> square seems superfluous. I think the palette would look cleaner without
> it.

Yes, I can't say that this hasn't occurred to me as well. I'm using an
already existing widget (SvxColorValueSet) which has this look, and I
haven't looked into changing this so far. I'll look into it, at least to
add an easy option for turning it off for UI designers later.

> And I have one question. Are the dimensions of the palette variable? For
> example will a Gimp palette file with a "Columns: 5" entry be displayed as
> intended?

The UI design of the popup palette window is not fixed yet, and I wasn't
sure how a variable number of columns would work in any design, so I just
discard the number of columns for now. I'm not sure if SvxColorValueSet
supports a variable number of columns even, so that's something else to
look into.

Thank you for giving it a go!

All the best,
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