On 04/08/14 19:56, Norbert Thiebaud wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 4, 2014 at 2:51 PM, Stephan Bergmann <sberg...@redhat.com> wrote:

>>  And
>> especially so if a single file out of a coherent set of consistently
>> formatted files is reformatted differently.
> well it was not as illustrated by the snipset below:
>         case unoidl::Entity::SORT_CONSTANT_GROUP:
>             {
>                 rtl::Reference<unoidl::ConstantGroupEntity> ent2B(
>                     static_cast<unoidl::ConstantGroupEntity *>(entB.get()));
>                 for
> (std::vector<unoidl::ConstantGroupEntity::Member>::const_iterator
>                              i(ent2B->getMembers().begin());
>                      i != ent2B->getMembers().end(); ++i)
>                 {
>                     bool found = false;
>                     if (entA.is()) {
>                         rtl::Reference<unoidl::ConstantGroupEntity> ent2A(
>                             static_cast<unoidl::ConstantGroupEntity *>(
>                                 entA.get()));
>                         for
> (std::vector<unoidl::ConstantGroupEntity::Member>::const_iterator
>                                  j(ent2A->getMembers().begin());
>                              j != ent2A->getMembers().end(); ++j)
>                         {
>                             if (i->name == j->name) {
>                                 found = true;
>                                 break;
>                             }
>                         }
>                     }
>                     if (!(found || valid(i->name))) {
>                         std::cerr
>                             << "Constant group " << name << " member "
>                             << i->name << " uses an invalid identifier"
>                             << std::endl;
>                         std::exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
>                     }
>                 }
>                 break;
>             }
> note the for() and case syntax use { below on a new line.. the if use
> { at the end of the line

> So, no, the source was not "consistently formatted"

a rule such as "if the condition is a single line, put the brace on the
same line, if it is multiple lines, put the brace on a separate line"
can still be called consistent  :)

(personally i would find this an improvement over the current formatting...)

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