On 09/20/2014 01:02 AM, Kohei Yoshida wrote:
On Fri, 2014-09-19 at 10:51 +0200, Jakub Kościelak wrote:
Hi all,
first sorry for my english.

      When I tried to build LO with --enable-dbgutil, error
occurs in test:

sc/qa/unit/opencl-test.cxx(1269) : error : Assertion
Test name: ScOpenclTest::testFinacialIRRFormula
double equality assertion failed
- Expected: 29.3418442391175
- Actual  : 523
- Delta   : 0.00293418442391175

More output in attachment.

Software: Windows 8.1, MSVS 2012 PRO, cygwin 32bit.

I checked and and there is the same problem.

Is this a bug in test case or in Calc ?

Likely an issue with your GPU and/or driver for your GPU since that test
computes formula results using your GPU.

Markus was at one point trying to gather all problematic GPU's to add to
our black list, and it's possible that your hardware needs to be on that
list.  He wrote a detector program you can run to get the detailed
information of your GPU...

Note that at least the MacOSX-10.8@21-10.7SDK tinderbox runs into exactly the same failure quite regularly, cf. e.g. recent <http://tinderbox.libreoffice.org/cgi-bin/gunzip.cgi?tree=MASTER&brief-log=1411378801.4800#950>.


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