Michael ,

sorry, I was not Begging, just tryed to explain the quality's from OO and LO. No funder for the moment because we are still OO-users :-) but we follow with interest the discussions about paid-bug-repair.



On Tue, 2011-05-17 at 13:00 +0200, Fernand Vanrie wrote:
In our Compagny, editing house, we uses OO and LO as the one and only
application. Base is here used as a frontend for getting data out of
flat-text-datbases and MySQL. Data we need to produce documents  in
Writer, Calc etc... For producing reports we found ORB pretty stable, so
please keep LO-Base-ORB at least at the current OO level
        So - do you help fund LibreOffice development in some way ? even if
only indirectly via a support contract ? if so - you should feedback
your commercial needs to your partner and help fund development that

        HTH :-)


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