
I started all over again with a fresh clone from the sources and after a
lot of ./g pull -r and partial rebuilds, I finally managed to execute
make without errors. make dev-install however (still) results in errors:

LibreOffice: Using system memory allocator.
LibreOffice: This is for debugging only.  To disable,
LibreOffice: unset the environment variable G_SLICE.
LibreOffice: Using system memory allocator.
LibreOffice: This is for debugging only.  To disable,
LibreOffice: unset the environment variable G_SLICE.
This used to be an assertion failure: Desktop disposed before
terminating it,
but nothing bad seems to happen anyway?
This used to be an assertion failure: Desktop not terminated before
being destructed,
but it is probably not a real problem.
Error: File
Line 163: JobExecutor::~JobExecutor()
Configuration don't send dispoing() message!

Exited with code '-1'
Test name: N12_GLOBAL__N_14TestE::test
setUp() failed
- equality assertion failed
- Expected: 2
- Actual  : 0

Failures !!!
Run: 1   Failure total: 1   Failures: 1   Errors: 0
dmake:  Error code 1, while making 'cpptest'

contains 'soffice' and all libreoffice applications seem to be working.

Is it necessary to finish dev-install without errors?
How can I fix these errors?

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