Hello Kohei, Noel

This is the brief of my work for this week. As I was supposed to
create a new container class which will contain ScTextWnd obejct +
ScrollBar + Button object, I've done so. Also I've tunneled the calls
to ScTextWnd from ScInputWindow via the new methods created into the
ScInputBarGroup(new class which I've created). But the problem I'm
facing is now when I removed the aTextWnd.Show() from constructor of
ScInputWindow and added it into the ScInputBarGroup's constructor the
inputbar will not appear. I've passed the ScInputBarGroup's object in
InsertWindow() function though. But Still not able to figure out what
might be the problem.

I'm working on it. Hope I'll figure it out soon and I'm not able to
come online because of the internet connection problem; but it will be
resolved soon.

Thanks and regards

Anurag Jain
Final yr B.Tech CSE
SASTRA University
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