Le 27/06/2011 22:47, Markus Mohrhard a écrit :
Hello Julien,

    Error: File
    Line 96: operator delete mismatch
    /usr/include/c++/4.6/debug/safe_iterator.h:193:error: attempt to
        dereference a past-the-end iterator.

    Objects involved in the operation:
    iterator "this" @ 0x0xbe966380 {
    type =
    (mutable iterator);
      state = past-the-end;
      references sequence with type
    `NSt7__debug6vectorISsN3rtl9AllocatorISsEEEE' @ 0x0xbe966380

this helps a lot. We had a similar situation some days ago. When built with debug symbols some additional checks are performed to ensure that iterators are not missused. So it would be a good step if you could debug the unit test and as soon as you get a SIG ABORT get a backtrace and post it here or fix the problem. I think that we derefence vector::end() or something like this.


I'd like to do this but when I launch "run" in gdb it does the test 1 which is Ok. How to launch the test 2 (I'm a beginner with gdb) ?

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